Friday, 23 March 2018

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 completely refuses to p2w

Star Wars: Battlefront 2

No paid heroes and ships, a new system of progress and the return of the premium currency. It is difficult to imagine the feelings of people who bought the game and tolerated all the changes in it.

There are two chairs, and the attempt to seat players immediately on both turned out not quite a success for Electronic Arts. The buyer does not want a game in which you have to open additional paid characters and pay for casino boxes.

So it was necessary to turn off the store, but it was not removed for a long time, cherishing the hope to return paid content that was not accepted by the community. But the reputation of Battlefront 2 can not be fixed. The game dies, which is symbolized by an extremely low score of the game on the site of Koop-Land, whose audience is infinitely indulgent towards most outgoing games.

But in vain, because the shooter differs not only in the presence of the plot, which influences the films, beautiful graphics and competently modeled battles, but also with a tolerable anti-cheat. But the decline in prices, along with the reduction of awards, the limit on the amount of currency received for the day and other joys of the mercenary nature did not impress activists struggling with EA politics.

Almost half a year had to wait for the exclusion of paid content from the game, but on March 21, finally, a new update was released. All the items that affect the gameplay, you can get for the progress in the game itself. None of the purchased content will not be taken away, but no refunds are promised. T-shirts are also now only available for testing and daily entry into the game, and for real money you can only buy cosmetic items.

Failure, albeit inconspicuous, hit the already hard-pressed company so much that the battlefront in Origen is sold at a discount for some 800 rubles. Only whether there are real reasons to buy a game, which will soon appear expensive add-ons paid? The plan for creating a long playing game has once again failed, which saddens players who are waiting for good games.

After all, the same scheme will appear in other games from EA, which is endlessly experiencing financial problems because of its "giantity" and political troughs.

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